When they arrived home, Xue Jinxu lied on the couch and watched some series on her phone. She wore earphones while watching.

Chen Linyun did not know what to do. 'She's giving me the cold shoulder. How long will it last? We have to resolve it tonight.'

"Jinxu." She did not respond. 'Probably she didn't hear. It's the earphones.'

"Jinxu." He asked again, this time rubbing his index finger on her forearm.

She looked at him, stared at him. "What?"

Chen Linyun pursed his lips. "About what happened earlier…"

Xue Jinxu raised her hand, index finger pointing up, signaling him to keep quiet. "Let me sort out my emotions first. We'll talk later."

'Is that a good thing? She's keeping it in all this time. She might just erupt later. Or, she's trying to dissipate it slowly…"

'One thing's for sure, she's affected, just like previously. It's my fault. I wasn't careful enough.'

'Jinxu, dear, talk to me please.'