Chen Linyun stopped in his tracks. They have reached the gazebos. His heart drumming with too much nervousness. It's time to face the wife's wrath.

He turned around to see a panting Xue Jinxu. She was clutching her chest, her upper body hunched forward, panting hard.

"Jinxu, are you okay?" Horizontal lines formed on Chen Linyun's forehead.

Xue Jinxu spanked his arm. "I nearly tripped, Chen Linyun!"

"S-sorry. I-I panicked. I was so afraid of you that I just ran away from her. Are you mad?"

She sighed. "Huh, Chen Linyun… What am I going to do with you? Honey, I'm a bit flustered because you dragged me like that. But…" She cupped his cheek with her hand. "I'm not mad. Rather, I'm quite satisfied with how you handled it." She smiled at him lovingly, appreciatively.

"However…" She added. "From here on, let the ladies take care of these matters. I'll handle her myself. Stay out of it."