Teng Man Rui was out on a shopping task one bright sunny day. She went to the neighboring mall, their competitor, because she did not want to be tracked by her brothers. She's also trying to see what their competitors have. She's in fact looking for a gift for her mother.

She was supposed to meet Xue Jinxu. She informed her of her whereabouts and roamed around on her own.

She entered the department store, around the men's section. A posh dress shirt that was hung on the wall caught her attention. She quickly thought that the shirts suits well with Shi Fan Hai. She went toward it enthusiastically.

She was already too near it when she abruptly stopped and turned around. There was a familiar man just a few steps from her.

'It was Zhu Li Qiang.' She turned around again to take a good look. He was gone. She turned her head towards the left and the right, but he wasn't there anymore. 'Was I seeing things… or people?'