"Chen Linyun." Xue Jinxu called him one night, after quietly eating their dinner. Xue Jinxu served them newly brewed tea. "Darling, I thing we have to talk." She said with such seriousness that made Chen Linyun's heart skip a beat.

They seated themselves in the dining area. At first there was only silence between them. Most probably this was the talk that Chen Linyun dreaded the most.

'Everything I did, I did for her. I had dedicated all my life's efforts for her, to be with her, to be worthy of her love. This shouldn't end.' His face was distorted with anguish as he waited patiently for his wife to break the silence. He's not going to break it this time. His fists were clenched tightly, bracing himself for Xue Jinxu's next words.

"Chen Linyun." She called his name again, locking her gaze onto his. She wasn't smiling at all. "I love you. I really do." She said.


Chen Linyun inhaled deeply.