*Ding* *Ding*

"Who could it be?" Xue Jinxu said while busily changing the bedsheets inside the master's bedroom.

"I'll get it." Teng Man Rui offered while already heading towards the front door.

The door clicked open and revealed their guest. "How have you been, Grampa Xue?" Teng Man Rui greeted him, surprised.

Grampa Xue grunted, pleased with Teng Man Rui. "Getting older so much faster than I would have liked." He shared. "Xiao Rui, how have you been? Take care of yourself too, not just your friend. The Xue household is grateful to you." He said while entering slowly, with his head already turning here and there, trying to locate the granddaughter he had been terribly missing these past months.

"Where's Xu'er?" He finally asked.

"I'll get her, Grampa." Teng Man Rui jolted rapidly towards the bedroom.

"Jinxu, your grampa is here." Teng Man Rui informed Xue Jinxu.