He was ecstatic. Beaming brightly he patted himself internally. But then, his smile faded. "Should we continue our date, or would you like to call it a day?"

"Mmm…" Teng Man Rui pretended to think for a bit while slightly smiling. "Let's proceed with the dinner." A gentle little laugh escaped her luscious mouth.

Zhu Li Qiang almost jumped in surprise. "R-Really? Are you sure?" This time, Zhu Li Qiang held her shoulders in disbelief, almost in the brink of shaking.

The lady giggled. "I am 100% sure. Let's celebrate for luckily escaping that horrible situation unscathed."

"This dinner…" Teng Man Rui added rather slowly. "You earned it." She completed while looking into his eyes sincerely.

Zhu Li Qiang felt hot on the cheeks. Coincidentally, he was driving, that he had an excuse to stare ahead.

Or was he even fortunate that at this exact moment he was driving? He nearly got distracted for a split-second.

He felt as if he won at the lottery.