The two were drowning into each other's stares.

There's this significant space they were keeping in between them.

"Jinxu, may I ask, have you not regretted marrying me?" Chen Linyun asked, bracing himself for the answer. He was brave enough to ask, therefore he should be brave enough too, to hear the answer.


The lady smiled her sweet signature smile. Her almond eyes were smiling with her.

"How about you?" There was a slight knot on her forehead.

"Never." Chen Linyun mirrored the lady's answer. His face slowly revealed a smirk. He inched a little bit closer.

"Chen Linyun…" The lady warned knowingly.

"I know."

Regardless, he still pulled the lady for a cuddle. She didn't complain at all.

"Remember the time when you said we were eloping?" Chen Linyun started reminiscing. "It was the first time we went on camping."