From a distance, Xue Jinxu saw the bantering of the cousins. She could even hear the boisterous laughter of Mo Wenbin. When she got nearer, she asked them, "What did I miss?"

"Five years, Jinxu! We missed five long years of togetherness!" Chen Linyun blurted out.

"All because Mo Wenbin hid a certain information!" Chen Linyun threw a sideglance at his cousin.

"Whatever, Chen Linyun. With your personality back then, even if I tell you, you wouldn't even approach Teng Man Rui. You're quite aloof to women. You don't even spare any woman a glance."

"What are you talking about?" Xue Jinxu was getting all the more intrigued, especially at the mention of 'Chen Linyun' and 'women'. She tilted her head suspiciously, her face was blank though.

"Mo Wenbin and Teng Man Rui knew each other since college. We could have met sooner, Jinxu." Chen Linyun explained to her.
