The lady's cheeks turned lovely pink. Chen Linyun tightened the wrap oh his arm around the lady.

"You're blushing. It's lovely." He said. The lady remained silent.

"Did I say something wrong?" He added.

"No. Chen Linyun, you've put up a lot for me, haven't you? I'm really sorry, dear." She said.

"There you go again. I told you stop saying sorry." He said mildly, dotingly. "I should be the one apologizing, Jinxu. You should be happy with me. I've snatched you from your family so I should have been responsible enough to maintain the kind of life and well-being you have before our marriage. But I failed you immensely."

"You did not. I… It's all my fault…"

"Don't blame yourself, Jinxu."

"I cannot even carry our child well."

"Is that why you're adamant in getting pregnant again?"

The lady nodded. "I can't face another failure. The next one would certainly destroy me."

Chen Linyun sighed. "At least, don't think about leaving me again."

The lady nodded again.