Upon reaching the Xue Mansion, even at the gates, and at the entrance of their house, Xue Jinxu could already hear the rampage that the Xue Master was causing in his study at the second floor. She couldn't help but shudder. Still, she did not stop in her steps and soon she was on the doorway of the study.

She knocked before entering.

Father Xue tried to calm his demeanor even just a little bit. One could call it bias, but Father Xue was always trying to be mild towards their princess.

"Xu-er, what brought you here? Is anything wrong at your end? What's the matter?"

"Guangxi." She said curtly, her forehead dominated with horizontal lines. "I've heard a little, and I'm worried. I want to get involved, Father."

Xue Mingli and Zhao Feiyan exchanged looks. Father Xue's countenance was so red with fury.

"Father, please calm down some more. Are you this furious over some rumors? He hasn't even been named yet." Xue Jinxu argued.