
Xue Guangxi was still deeply sleeping one day in his lodging in Indonesia when he heard someone call his name. He thought initially that he was dreaming. It was already broad daylight, around lunchtime.


His name was uttered again.

He grunted, and ever so slowly, he opened his eyes to see his sister sitting by his bedside. "Ughmm, Xu-jie, is that really you? You're here?" He said in disbelief while rubbing off sleep from his eyes.


Xue Jinxu was displeased upon seeing the extremely messy room where her brother was staying. She was let in by Xue Guangxi's bodyguards who picked her up from the airport. The room was messy with pieces of trash, used takeout food containers, which, by the way, smelled awfully of spoiled, rotten old leftover food and in every sense, putrid. That, combined with the stench of alcohol which was probably coming from Xue Guangxi himself was too much for her liking.