In Beijing…

Chen Linyun was on speaker phone while he was driving for work. "I'm almost done here. Guangxi wanted me to tour around for a day to 'flush away bad memories' as he puts it. He said he wants me to at least have good memories of the place. I agreed to it since it isn't a bad idea, is it? It's just one more day… I'll be back tomorrow, love…" Apparently, it was Xue Jinxu on the other line.

"Good to hear. I am barely surviving without you here." He smirked. "Just joking, but you know, jokes are half meant… I'm on my way to the office right now. Later this afternoon I'll be heading towards the airport. I will be visiting the shipyards in Shanghai. Hopefully, I'll be back in Beijing tomorrow too. See you tomorrow, then, love. Take care." He answered while concentrating on the road.

"I love you, Chen Linyun."

"I love you, Jinxu." He retorted then hung up.