Chen Linyun hurriedly left for the hospital, without having second thoughts of leaving Zhu Li Qiang behind.

'He's an adult, he can take care of himself.' He thought while scampering towards the door, and towards where his car was.


At the hospital…

The voice, sweet as caramel, reverberated in the air. "Where's Chen Linyun?" It came out hoarse.

"He's on his way, Jinxu…" Teng Man Rui answered back nonchalantly while trying to smoothen the fringes on her blanket. She was a lot calmer now than a few minutes ago, the moment the sleeping beauty finally opened her eyes.

Teng Man Rui was reading a book when all of a sudden a weak faint voice called her. "Man Rui…"

It was almost inaudible.

At first, Teng Man Rui did not hear. "Man Rui…" She repeated and grunted.

The lady whose name was called got alerted and at once stopped all her activities. She shot a powerful glance towards the direction of the bed, from the couch where she was situated at the moment.