Xue Jinxu was talking over the phone while walking on the busy streets of Beijing. She was returning from an errand after sending out preciously home-made bento full of love to the husband who was busy making money for the both of them at Xue Shipping.

She was currently preoccupied talking on her phone. She had decided to make the most out of the trip in the afternoon outside.

"Are you really okay? If you need someone to talk to, I'm just a phone call away alright? I'm sorry I'm busy lately but I will always make time for you, mhmm?"

"You're being a mother hen again, Jinxu. I'm fine! Relax! Please allow me to take some days off. I need a vacation away from the city! I almost do this every year, right?" The lady on the phone argued back. It was Teng Man Rui.

"Honey, are you going far? Is it safe? I'm worried." Xue Jinxu stopped by a café and sat at an empty seat at a table outside the shop.