For some reason, she felt warm at the mention of 'my girl'. Zhu Li Qiang had always been unfiltered. She smiled slightly.

"I just want to savor it one last time. Before… Before…" She looked him in the eye to communicate her sincerity. "Before I let go of it totally. I'm tired of getting trapped in the past. The past is no longer here. The person changed. I changed." She sighed. "I want to start over."

The lady fidgeted uncomfortably. She was vehemently shifting in her seat. Although there was a strong urge inside her to tear her gaze from him and bow down her head, she fought it and stared through those dark brown eyes of the man who sat before her, with such unfathomable abyss yet had the power to draw anyone in.

Collecting her guts, she resumed.

"Zhu Li Qiang, I made up my mind. I want to start over with you."

The man was dumbstruck. "Pardon?"