"Long time no see." Mo Wenbin shook hands with his cousin, Chen Linyun, upon opening the door of Apartment 201. They had not seen each other for a while due to their respective busy and hectic schedules. "What brought you here?"

Chen Linyun, before answering his cousin, threw himself on the couch. "This and that."

"Sounds serious." Mo Wenbin chimed in. "Need someone to talk to? You need your conscience, don't you?"

Mo Wenbin went to the fridge, opened it and grabbed two bottles of beer. "Here. Looks like we will be needing more. Don't worry there are lots of stocks in the fridge, buddy."

Once he was seated adjacent to Chen Linyun, he added, "Okay, so tell me. Spit it all out to your guidance counselor."

"I don't want to be such a telltale but I'll just stick to the generality of the whole issue, alright?" Chen Linyun sighed. He took a big gulp of beer from his bottle first to wet his throat and lips. "Basically we fought."