Chen Linyun couldn't help smiling. His wife was acting so childish right now, not fitting a former COO nor an heiress, more like a spoiled kid. Well, maybe it fits her well as an heiress. Deep within him, he knew that Xue Jinxu only acted this way in front of him. It's something for his eyes only.

"I'm all ears now. Let's resolve it quickly. Then, let's move on to the next agenda." He said teasingly, implying something they both knew.

The wife rolled her eyes some more, not ready to give in easily.

"I don't care what particular position you put me in as long as I can help you with your workload. As far as I am concerned I can even be a ghost employee for all I care – I can work here at home – I don't care! My main goal is simply to lift some of the workload off your shoulders. That's it. Is it that hard to grant? I mean, it's for you... I worry about your health…"