Chen Linyun just allowed his friend to rant. He was not at the right place to meddle. He didn't even know what had transpired between them.

After that, they returned to drinking in the silence and their session ended at around half past two at his own house merely because they had run out of booze, and since the master of the penthouse had been knocked out of consciousness from drinking too much.

The next day, Sunday, Chen Linyun decided to visit his friend again, since the wife and her friends were out on a ladies-only escapade. He ordered Chichi to prepare hot porridge for Zhu Li Qiang whom he knew would be suffering from a hangover.

He couldn't be any more correct.

Chen Linyun spent the whole day in the penthouse, more like tending to the indolent Zhu Li Qiang. He left the television open this time, just to make sure that something's making the atmosphere more alive. He left the channel where a game of football was playing.