In the middle of the sea where no land could be seen anywhere, a boat was afloat directionless. It did not seem to be moving and the engine was turned off. It was noon. The sun was at its highest peak. It was glaring and scorching like the magnificent merciless king of the heavens was out to generously share its fire. 

For most people on land, a sunny day was pleasant and welcoming. However for some, especially for people surrounded by endless bodies of water with no food or drink, the scorching sun was a formidable enemy, torturing them until they had become no better than ash.

Onboard the floating sailboat was a man, alone and hungry and weak, agonizing his fate in every second that lapsed. There was no help around, and no promise of salvation. He was alone in the middle of the sea in a boat that did not seem to work. It's as if he's only waiting for the right time until the grim reaper arrives to fetch him up to deliver him to Hades.

The man was Chen Linyun.