Xue Jinxu sighed as she watched the heavy pouring of the rain outside.  The weather was not the only thing that was gloomy. 

For days, the heavy downpour ruled out in the outside universe.  She wasn't affected, though, because she didn't have to go outside.

Was she home?  No.  Definitely not.  She was in her second home, most probably.  And no, it wasn't the office.  She was still at the hospital, staying in with her husband, Chen Linyun who was still soundly asleep.

Xue Jinxu adjusted the earbud shell of her earphones in her left ear.  If someone would peep at the patient's private room and describe the lady, that particular someone would have told the world that she was broodingly deep in her thoughts, preoccupied with it while watching the glamour of the rain.

Well, it must be true.  But Xue Jinxu had lots on her plate.  While watching the splendid tears of heaven sanctify the drought on earth, she was, in fact, working.