Xue Jinxu collected her attention on to the letters and documents that Butler Lee had hand-carried from Beijing.  She went through each first and sorted it out into priorities.  The letters came in many sizes – most of which were usual letter-sized and the other larger parcels were of the size of papers packed in envelopes and boxes.

The madame completed the menial chore rather trivially.  She continued to do so just to clear up her mind from the more serious and critical tasks that were lined up on her schedule and to-do list.  The task, although unsophisticated, had done its purpose, as the lady found herself in a more relaxing disposition.

It continued to be so up until she found in one of the letters an unfamiliar one which somehow captured her attention.  It was a black letter envelope lined with gold.  She opened it immediately yet cautiously, and read the content with a burning interest in her eyes.  The letter was addressed to her.
