In the succeeding days, the Chen couple continued with their lifestyle as if nothing has changed.  They had kept from the world the fact that Chen Linyun had already woken up.

Of course, the doctor knew, but they had asked him to keep it as well.  Bound by the confidentiality of his vocation, the doctor obliged.

The lady was relieved with her husband's presence, but then her worry for his health had not fully withdrawn from her system.

It was not unfounded, though, because, at times, Chen Linyun would wake up in the middle of his sleep perspiring profusely with cold beads of sweat on his forehead and back, and he seemed agitated.    At times, when he was awake, he would just stare into space and then end up frowning.

Chen Linyun had not recovered fully, and the trauma of all his sufferings still manifested through little windows or gaps.  It wasn't glaring, but it's still there.