In Havana, Cuba…

Inside a popular pub, Chen Linyun and Xue Minhe, both holding a can of beer, spent some leisurely time bonding without the ladies. 

Xue Minhe leaned on the railings on his forearms, and gazed at the changing light from distant houses and buildings, as it flickers and disrupts the darkness of the night.

Chen Linyun, on the other hand, leaned his back on the railings cautiously and turned partially towards his left, facing Xue Minhe.

Most of the time, they drank in silence, as both preferred to pass the time like that.  Occasionally, the other started a conversation. 

"My staff told me that you could not leave the place at that time." Chen Linyun started.

"Hmm, yeah.  I couldn't leave if for too long, and for good because the people still need me, although you've helped that place a lot already."

"What are your plans now?  Will you return to your family and to the world you belong to?"