Xue Jnxu covered her gaping mouth with her right hand.  She was completely shocked.  It was an understatement.

Chen Linyun pushed for a little bit more.  After this day, it would be difficult to open this topic again.

"How did you… How did I meet you, guys?  Do you know my… my parents?"

"It's so awkward to say it without referring to you, guys." It was more of a whisper.

Chen Lingfang rubbed her face roughly with the palm of his hand.  At this point, he couldn't answer him.  "Biyu…"

"Son, can we talk about it some other time?  Your mother doesn't seem too well to talk about it any further."

Chen Linyun's lips pursed into a tight line.

Xue Jinxu wrapped her arms around her husband indulgently as she rearranged some of his hair in disarray.  "Honey, is that okay?  I think it's a good idea to cut the discussion right here.  Mother…"