It was such a tiring day for Shi Fan Hai and Kang Sola alike.

Life is generally tiring especially for Shi Fan Hai, or rather, Han Fengyu.

However, no excuse is acceptable to be vicious.

The teenage girl felt weak from all the revelations she had heard all afternoon until that night.  Yet, she's not done.

"Didn't you know that I was on board that ship?  The Great Adventurer." Shaking her head, unable to fathom how her older brother's mind works, she probed meekly.

"I knew."

His answer made her gasp in amazement.  She covered her gaping mouth with her bare hand.

"That's why I waited for all the passengers to disembark first."


"So you mean if I hadn't been there…" She trailed off not being able to express her train of thoughts, then shuddered.

The more her brother talks, the greater her bewilderment and torment she harbored within her.