"What brings you here, Brother?" 

Smiling, Xue Jinxu took her guest's hand as she led him inside the Chen dream house.

"Just visiting.  Checking on you.  I heard Chen Linyun is sick all the time." Xue Minhe retorted as he found a place to sit on the couch.  Xue Jinxu seated herself, too, after ordering the maid to get refreshments and snacks for the Xue Young Master.

"That's sweet of you." The Chen madame grinned widely at her brother's response. 

"So, I've heard that your husband has got morning sickness instead of you." 

"Yeah… It's really bad." Face scrunched in anxiety, she sighed as she massaged her growing tummy. 

"I've heard some folk stories from the province that it happens sometimes – the husband shares with the wife's discomfort.  I'm lucky I'm not experiencing any."