Chen Linyun's smartphone received message notifications four times.

"I'm going to spend some time with my other brother after school."

"Please don't wait for me or look for me."

"Don't even try to stop me, too. I'm the only person he has."

"I'm safe with him. Set your worries aside. He would not inflict me any harm if that's your concern."

All four messages came from Kang Sola. 

Chen Linyun removed his eyeglasses and rubbed his face with his palm. He reclined on his office chair. 'What am I gonna do with you, Sola?' He thought.

Her affinity to her other brother was too strong. Chen Linyun, at first, was dumbfounded by it. 'How can they click so easily? Do they know each other from years back?'

Even if she did not admit it, Chen Linyun knew that Kang Sola had been upset with what happened to her father. He understood that Kang Sola must have seen the logic behind it, but at the end of the day, she lost a parent.