Xue Jinxu put down her donut on the box, wiped her hands and mouth, looked at Chen Linyun, and smiled. "I can't find my archer anymore."

"He's nowhere to be found." A tear escaped her eyes. Her smile grew bigger with nostalgia. "He promised me that he would improve himself so that he wouldn't stay as an archer forever, but you know what, he doesn't have to. I like him the way he is. Was. Used to be."

"Jinxu." He breathed.

"Perhaps I lost him over the years?"

"I'm still here." He reassured. He gave her arm a soft squeeze.

"Or maybe I fell from the usual glory that my archer towered above me. And perhaps he turned into a knight on a sturdy white horse and looked down on the fallen commanding general and treated her like a damsel-in-distress."

"Damn it." She pursed her lips.

"I'm not a damsel in distress! I can do everything on my own!"

"Sure you could." Chen Linyun agreed. He rubbed her back soothingly.