The night was a long one, and he was glad it was over Finally. The light appeared in the east signaling a new day detective Brian Morrison thought he was happy that the night had ended because of those three murders he had to work that night they had been pretty strange.

In all his years on the force, he had never seen body drained of every ounce of blood then left like candy wrappers just laying where they fell.

There were over forty puncture wounds on each of the victims it was like something you would read in or see in a movie. He was piratically bothered by the couple who were on the bench together the evidence had suggested that they were about to have sex when whatever it was that attacked them did so so fast that they didn't have time to defend themselves.

Ir for many reasons had him puzzled and also bothered him he felt there where more than one person, possibly a gang. Why would they go around stabbing victims and then draining them of their blood, something that bothered him is if they had been stabbed what happened to the blood? It should have been every were he thought but during his investigation, he didn't find any blood at the scene.

Why would they want blood Brian thought? Maybe it is a satanic ritual of some sort and there is always the possibility the people were just crazy. He was too tired to think over this any more he was worried about his wife, Patty. He missed her she was away in Los Angles where she worked for an advertising company and wasn't do home tell next week not to mention the crime also bothered him and didn't want to think about it anymore.

He pulled into the driveway of his apartment complex and was so glad to be off for next couple days. It was Friday and it was going to be a three day weekend for him and his sone Brian Jr. He opened the door to his car and started getting out and heading into the house, I'm going to eat breakfast then take a shower he thought and I will crawl into bed and sleep for a while. I got the next three days off I'm going to relax.

He opened the door to the apartment and walked into the kitchen, his son Brian Jr was sitting eating a bowl of cereal he had gotten home just a few minutes before his dad from spending the night at Joey's. How was your night son did you guys have fun sleeping over at Joey's house? It was great dad just had a few weird dreams but other than that it was ok. How was your night Brian Jr asked? It was a long one said Brian Sr.

He opened the cabinet and started pouring himself a bowl of corn flakes and he walks over to the refrigerator and gets the milk and poured into his bowl. You look tired pop, I bet you had a long night and are pretty tired huh?

I wanted to ask if it was ok that I go over to Joeys and spend the night again, we were planning to camp out and do some fishing in the creek. Brian thought of the murders near that creek last night says I don't want you guys near that stream ok Brian Sr said. It's dangerous and there was a murder near there last night and I would feel more comfortable if you guys camp out in Joey's backyard tell we find the guy ok? Sure pop, you and uncle Steve will solve the case the guy should give up and turn himself into the jail, huh Brian Jr said smiling. Ok, son, I am done eating and I am going upstairs and taking a shower and hitting the hay you heard from your mom last night? Yea dad she said she be home next Friday and that she loves us. Ok, son, please call and wake me up then.

Ok, dad, I will see yea later, he went over put his and his dad's bowl in the sink and headed out the back door towards Joey's house.

Steve Weaver was a Marine, also a combat vet. Seeing death before hadn't bothered him, but those three deaths were stuck in his mind. Why were there so many puncture wounds and no blood spilled anywhere and what was the person or persons doing with the blood? He had been on the force for more than ten years and thought he had seen it all until this case.

He had no family to go home to, so he took his time after work going home, his wife and children had died in a tragic car accident while he was deployed to Iraq. A drunk driver had gone head-on into his wife's car killing her and the three kids.

He was setting at the local coffee shop where he was a regular, sipping his coffee and eating a good breakfast of bacon and eggs toast with grape jam his favorite, busy night said a voice he recognized as Mr. Peterson, Steve's he had only met a few weeks ago. Mr. Peterson was a retired Marine also, so he felt a kinship with him because all Marines are Brothers. You could say that, he said with a slight chuckle, had a triple homicide the old man said while sitting down with a little curiosity. Yea two at the park and then another over on elm street. Well, nothing happens Waterville like this he exclaimed, it is kind of a shock to the people who thought they had nothing to fear. I know but the crime lab will get us something, and I am confident we will have some leads to go on by the time I go in tonight. I hope so said Mr. Peterson when lived in NYC I thought I would come here and escape the craziness of the city, it seems it has found its way here.

You know we had a case when I was a rooky back in the Sixties we had a group of homicides that were not your everyday type of killings. We never did solve the case, there were over a dozen people who were murdered. Had all their blood sucked out and left lying where they had fallen we never did find any blood near or around the body, not even a drop! That caught Steve attention, you said they had all the blood sucked out of them? Yea weirdest thing I ever did see. Peterson said I almost turn my badge in over that because it scared the hell out of me for some reason. All the time in Korea I never saw anything like that and still haven't.

Well we will catch this guy I mean this is not NYC this is Waterville and not that many places a person can hide at here he said laughing. I am going to head home and get some rest and get up and head back to work tonight Be safe Marine watch your six on this Mr. Paterson told Steve, Semper Fi said Steve in response.