Doctor Roy Madison had been a Medical Doctor for twelve years he had done his residency at Bethesda medical center. In all his years as a medical doctor he had never seen test results this fascinating from a patient, their DNA is being altered by a virus until now no one had ever seen a virus do this. He had contacted the CDC, and they advise that the patient needs to be quarantined until they can get an agent there to the hospital. Doctor Sarah Hodges had shown up from Atlanta Georgia the very next day and was currently looking over the results too.

I like to know how we can stop this virus Madison said to Dr. Sarah Hodges. We tried using every antibiotic that was available, or we thought might combat it. We have used a broad spectrum of antibiotics, and they haven't had any affected or slowed even slowed it down. It's still altering his DNA to both human and animal, nothing in the history of medicine have we ever was able to do that mention, Hodges.

Let's try hitting it with gamma and ultraviolet radiation and see what it does suggest Dr. Hodges, I don't think it will hurt to give it a try said Dr. Madison, how is the patient holding up said Hodges? Well, his blood pressure down and he has a slight fever also his heart rate is erratic for the most part he is still unconscious unresponsive. Ok let's send him down and see what the radiation does say Madison, I think this be the best treatment as both doctors agreed.

I am so glad that you are ok Dad Brian Jr said, Yep I will be fine son, just got hurt trying to do something stupid like fight supervillain they both chuckled. Things will be ok.

I am going to be off a few months according to the doctors, so we have plenty of time to go fishing and do other things. I like to beat that guy up that hurt you dad I know you do son. That is part of my job son and part of being a good officer sometimes you got to sacrifice yourself to save a fallen friend. You also must swear to protect and serve people and that sometimes gets you hurt. Honey, why don't you go to the cafeteria and get you something to snack on ok handing her son a twenty-dollar bill?

Can I get a cheeseburger and fries mom? Yes, came the response that shocked little Brian. Thank you, mom, as Brian Jr hurry's out of the room. Honey, I want you to retire from the police force, and then we can move back to California, we been back here and had nothing but bad luck and heartache. I know baby, do you think Los Angeles is where we want Brian to grow up at? If we move I think we should go to the San Joaquin valley maybe like Visalia or Tulare California said Patty I know we could live very happy there. I do miss living there Brian said just so expensive to move back and what about Brian and his friends he asked? He is ok I am confident that he can find new friends where ever we move too, besides here it is getting to dangers.

I have a good job and that I make good at money now and I can take care of us tell you until you are up on your feet again and find a new job. We can talk later when you get home, alright baby. Then a knock came at the door, and Steve appeared and had a box of chocolates and flowers for Patty and Brian, how's it going partner?

I have been better I got a lousy head ace and a broken arm as you can see jokingly, how about you? I had a Few fractured ribs and bruises, they kept me overnight for observation, but I was fine.

Than you Steve for those lovely gifts and I am sure glad you came by and visit us, we sure were worried about you and the other officer.

Thank you that means a lot to me, and I am sure to officer Shawn So, Steve you ok asked Patty? Yea I am golden! By the way, where is little Brian at? I better get him patty said he is in the cafeteria and I gave him a twenty I hate to think what he is buying, she turned and headed out of the room.

Brian asked are you ok? Yea just had to spend the night had a few broken ribs and got a few bruises from being swatted me like I was a fly. I did put nine rounds into his center mass. I wonder why the suspect didn't go down after that I bet he was high on drugs. Nope sure didn't fact hadn't been a civilian coming to our aid we three would probably be dead at this moment. How is Shawn doing have you heard? He isn't doing so well they have him quarantined because he got some type of a virus from the suspect that bite. Yea whatever he did he must have bitten Shawn because he got infected and whatever it is must be wrong cause they got the CDC here looking into whatever he has. Wow, that is crazy said, Brian! Wait it is going to get weird after you were slung and hit the tree and I was swatted like a fly a civilian with a black light saving all three of us! What did you just say not believing it, Ezafe Morella he was a civilian that attacked the creature with a black light and drove it away saving us. You why did you say it was a creature?

The creature is the only way I can describe it because are you ready for this, I watched thing turn into mist and flew away like some bird! Brian looked at Steve for a moment and turned to say into a fog and flew away? I know it sounds fantastical, and I know, and I did not believe it either, but that's what happened this creature is something I never had seen before or even considered it. I know it sounds like my bell was rung hard and I imagined this, but that's what I, and that is the only way I can describe it.

Brian trying to put perspective on this said let's investigate this logically. You had to have been walloped by that guy not to mention you had to be dazed and in a lot of pain from that hit. Not to say it was night time and the stress of two officers down could have made you see what you thought was a mist and thought it flew away. Ok, I can see that could be a very well based possibility and might just be true, but there was a witness that can verify what I was able to witness. Ezafe is the civilian who came to our aid he was able to observe it also. Then we have the blood left at the crime scene that matches the DNA on the three victims which by the way is one of the bodies that has come up missing now. I am sure there is a logical explanation on why the body is missing.

Also, the blood that the CSI found I was told that the blood recovered from attacks was severely decayed. It isn't normal for human blood to decay that fast they said. They also found hair at the crime scene that matches the other two scenes. Did they match all the crime scenes? When you get better, Steve said I got a lot more to tell yea, and I want you to talk to Ezafe. He has a story that will blow your mind. Ok sounds good I have a lot to think over, and I need rest after all we talked about, Steve turns and leaves the room and Brian laying on the bed thinking California is looking so much better.