That even Steve didn't see Mr. Peterson, so he came back early that morning, and Mr. Peterson was in the back booth so Steve walk back to him, you mind if I have a seat? Sure, love the company how you been feeling since that guy mess you guys up? The guy had to be on some type of drug because he took nine rounds center mass and still swatted us like we were fly.

Yep was my rookie year was sixty-two if I am correct fact it still bothers me tell this day. The bodies had multiple puncture wounds, and all the blood was drained, I almost got fired because I suggested that it was a vampire. Captain told me if I was going to be silly that I need to forget police work because there isn't no such thing as a vampire.

I know I been wondering if possible that I can I get the case file from that investigation? I don't know it would be in the cold case file stored in the archives at headquarters because we never did even get a suspect. Well, I take that back an old drunk told us the guy disappeared into a mist after he had killed the fifth victim if I remember correctly.

Ok, how many killings took place? We had fifteen over a three-year period, they usually were young couples or a lone female I think because they are an easier target. Whoever it seemed to appear and there was never a sign of a struggle.

Well, thank for the information I am going to see if I can call and get that information sent to me. What was the case name buy the way, so I know what to ask for because I look like an idiot if didn't he said laughing? Well if I remember it was the Simpson case file he was the first victim. Ok, I see you here in a few days, and I let yea know how things are going and if your old case helps me any.

I think we need to increase the dose of the ultraviolet rays because it seems to have the best results so far on this virus Doctor Madison said. I think we need to increase the dose some said, Doctor Hodges because maybe it can completely eradicate this infection.

Well, he is still unconcise, and I am worried that the damaged has been pretty severe on his DNA. I want to send a sample to the CDC and have them run a test on it and see if we can get an antivirus formulated in case there are others who are infected. Ok, Sarah, that sounds like a good idea, and we know for sure that the ultraviolet rays kill it. Well, I am going to head back to the motel Sarah said I need to rest, not to mention I would like to take a hot bath and call my son I miss him. I did not think Mr. Shawn said Doctor Hodges was going to make it but I am sure because the radiation therapy is working now and has given him a fighting chance. Sarah agreed and said goodnight then turn and started heading out of the room heading for the elevators and then to the garage.

Doctor Madison was standing there looking at the charts when Officer Jake Shawn open his eyes and ask where he was at. You're in the hospital you were severely injured and almost died you got an infection that we are trying to get under control the doctor said.

I am lucky to be alive how the other detectives where they hurt are? Yes, they both were injured, and both have been released you're the only one we are still working it on. I am expecting you to make a full recovery if we can keep down this infection you got from the bite wounds that you received from the attacker.

I remember feeling darkness wrap me up and the strength leaving my body there was a voice telling me not to fight to embrace the darkness and to rest. I couldn't reset it because it was just too powerful it seemed to be all around me. Well, you're safe here, but I do need to run some more test in the morning and check and see how the treatment is working. We must keep giving you low doses of ration because we had to kill whatever that virus because it was killing you and changing your DNA we had thought we were going to lose you a few times. Ok, that is not a problem anything to make me better doctor I just want hurry and get out of here no offense I want to get back on duty.

Well, that should be a few days, but I do not see any reason you can't be back to work by next week that is of your captain is ok with it.