Ok, let's get this correct the suspect attack you both after being discovered in the hall closet you detective open fire on the suspect hitting them center mass an unknown amount of times. The suspect unfazed from the shots then busted through a closed door and ran outside where it burst into flames from the sunshine then exploded?

Yes, the captain that is correct and I could have verified what had happened if not for the funeral director passing out at the sight of the suspect. I know this is a little unorthodox, but I assure you that is the truth. Detective gave the odd and unusual things that have been happening with the murders and the attack in the park I want you to report to the counselor.

Why a counselor why do I need that for? It is obvious what I saw the first victim came back from the dead and attacked us ran out into the sun and burst into flame well, ok I see your point and first thing tomorrow I will.

The CDC has determined that the virus is contagious and can wipe out life as we know it. Doctor Parker who was the Head of the CDC in Atlanta said on the phone to Sarah, so we are sending up a team to search for the source and also to quarantine off the town. I know this will not be an easy assignment Sarah, but we need you to stay there and head up the research team and find where the infection has come from.

I will do my best sir and please if possible send up as many ultraviolet lights that you can find, please. Said Dr. Hodges we have seen that the light can kill the virus and we will need that to combat any that are affected and the ones who have advanced we will need a sterilization team also in place. Ok, I am hoping that it will not come to that, but if it does we will be ready to handle all contingencies said, Dr. Parker. Ok, I hope to have results within the next few days, and we can wrap this up with as little publicity and disruption as we can.

Sarah hung up the phone and was heading back to the office of Dr. Madison and report what the CDC had found out ant the course of action they had decided to follow. She overheard one of the nurses saying that a person had burst into flame outside a mortuary. She stopped and listened to a little closer because this was not something that you usually heard was happening.

Yea whatever it was attacked two people and ran out into the sunshine and exploded it all over the street and park cars. Where did this happen at interrupting the nurses? It happened at Smith and Brown Mortuary on Pacific and main street about three blocks from here. Ok, thanks can you do me a favor can you please tell Dr. Madison I am going over there to check that out and that he needs to contact me asap, please? Who are you asked one of the nurses? I am Dr. Hodges from the CDC, and he needs to contact me because I need to get him some critical information.

On her way out to the car, she was busy typing in the name of the mortuary on her phones GPS. It seems that it is starting to spread out that now there was a victim that was reanimated from the dead. That would pose a horrific ramification to the virus side effects.

Honey, I have been thinking everything over. I need to give the Captain one month notice maybe two months so that they can get a suitable replacement for me plus it gives me time to let Steve get used the idea that I am leaving. I think he will take it hard because he just hates change. Baby, I understand dear you guys have been partners for a while, and he has also been a great friend to us when we first moved here from Los Angles. I know I wish there was going to be a more natural way to explain to him, but I don't see any.

Who is in charge here ask Dr. Hodges to one of the uniform officers that had the area blocked off with yellow caution tape? That be Captain Murphy mam, but he is not taking any question currently from the Media I am with the CDC as she showed him her credentials I need to speak to him now officer Captain Murphy you are required over here please the officer called out.

Now, what is it, Stutz? This lady is with the CDC and needs to speak to you, sir. OH, ok let's walk over here mam where we can talk. They walked over by one of the squad cars and got in so what can I do to help your mem? I am Dr. Sarah Hodges, and I have been treating one of your officers that was wounded a few days ago. Well, I am glad that you help Shawn, but I have a feeling something terrible is about to be said captain said with dread.