Transformation - 3

Leon was shocked at first, then shock turned into anger, and hatred was emerging from the heart. The person standing in front of him was the person, he hated the most in his life. Just because Leon accidentally offended him, he made Leon's life miserable.

"Song Yu, why have you come here?" Leon asked, in anger.

"I never thought you would find this place." Ignoring Leon's question, Song Yu said with a simile.

Suddenly, Zhou Ming moved and arrived in front of Leon. He wanted to catch Leon before Song Yu.

"Zhao Ming! This is Sun Moon Sect territory, don't go too far." Song Yu expression changed and yelled.

Song Yu also moved and slashed his blade. Zhou Ming dodged and waved his sword.


The sound of two weapon collision could be heard.

Song Yu was worried. Leon was the first to arrive here, and stayed here longest, who knows what kind of treasure he may have gotten. If Zhou Ming succeeded, he could lose some great treasure or even miss great saint's inheritance.

Leon knew, his chances of survival were slim, but he kept looking for a chance and never lost the hope.

A front door was blocked, so he looked for other exits.

There should be another room, he refused to believe this place only had this hall.

Finally, he saw another door on the darkest side of the hall. It was made of stone and blended into the wall very well. It was hard to find it, unless, one has keen eyes.

Without a second thought, Leon ran towards the door as fast as he could. Both sides who were entangled in battle noticed him, and stopped fighting but still vigilant to each other.

He was an ant in their eyes, which they could kill at any time. But if ant disappeared, finding it might be hard. They decided to kill him, after all, dead ant, is still better than an alive ant, which can run.

Leon was just a few meters away from the door, his heart was racing, and hopes of leaving this place alive increased.

"Just a few more steps." He thought.

Suddenly two forms appeared in front of him. When he saw them, all of his hope replaced with despair.

Song Yu waved his blade, suddenly a lightning slash appeared.


Leon left's hand separated from his body.


Zhao Ming's attack also arrived, time slowed down form him, sword slash was slowly approaching towards his heart, and finally, pierced through.

Leon mind went blank and fell into the ground.

So this is it?

I never imagined…. my life will end like this.

I desired to be strong.. so I could have a respectful life.

I dreamed.. to have a family.. so I don't have to be alone.

I have so many aspirations left…. I have not achieved my goals...

Aunt Su's fortune-telling skills are really bad... How this is great a great fortune?

Leon's eyes filled with sadness and regret, as voice slowed down.


"Do you want to live?" Suddenly, a voice sounded in his head.

"WHO? You are... Evil Spirit?" He asked.

"Don't compare me to those filthy creatures! I am primordial being created by 'God of Death' himself, I have many names, 'Dark Soul', 'Evil Soul', 'Soul Eater', 'Soul Reaper', but you can call me Death." Voice again resounded in an angry and arrogant manner.

"Why are you here? Are you here to take my soul?" Leon asked.

"Who cares about your puny soul." Death ridiculed him.

"Then! What do you want from me?" Leon came to the main point.

"Make a deal." Death said.

"What! deal?" Leon asked, confused.

"I can give you unimaginable power. In return, I want your soul." Death said.

Leon was shocked.

This guy does not make any sense. If I give my soul, wouldn't I be dead?

"I am an incomplete soul who does not have a power of life. Only with fused together with another soul, I can unleash my true powers. This is the purpose of my existence, and the one who fused with me will get unimaginable strength." Death explained as if understood his concern.

Leon was dying anyway, so did not have a choice on this matter.

"What happens to us after the fusion?" He asked one last question.

"I will become one of your soul avatars, our emotions, thoughts, and desires will be interlinked, and we will have the slight influence on other's personality," Voice explained.

Death couldn't just take over Leon's body, if both sides do not agree, soul fusion would fail, and both sides will be disintegrated into nothingness.

"Do we have a deal?" Voice finally asked.