
Leon was completely depressed, Dracul disappeared three days ago, leaving him alone, after telling him to summon him when he is prepared.

"Death, tell me about Death Avatar." Leon was bored, asked.

There was nothing else to do, and he wanted to know some secrets too.

"Avatar is the unique ability of gods, gods can transform into avatars and gain the incredible amount of power. Gods can also have multiple secondary avatars, each secondary avatar may have different body and soul, linked with primary soul. It allows gods to be in multiple places at the same time." Death explained the continued.

"To create a secondary avatar, god must split a small part of his soul, then fuse it with the soulless body. Gods can create new body themselves or they can find pregnant women and fuse secondary soul with the soulless fetus." Death said, finished explaining.

Leon got excited, this was an incredible ability.

If I can have this ability, I can search for treasures in many dangerous places. I can send my avatar to explore without fear of losing my life.

"What about my Death Avatar?" He asked.

"Death Avatar is the primary avatar, it can not be separated from the body." Death replied.

Death could see Leon thoughts, he was amused by his wild fantasy.

"When can I create the secondary avatar? Leon asked, again.

"Don't let your imagination run wild, creating secondary avatar requires separation of the soul, unless, our soul reaches god level, it will cause permanent damage. Besides, you don't have the power to create body yet." shattering his dream, Death said.

He was disappointed and consoled himself.

At least, I have my Death avatar.

"How do I transform into Death avatar?" Leon suddenly remembered and asked.

"Just imagine it, and our body will transform." Death Said.

"But let me remind you, don't transform unless there are no other options. Death avatar draws its power from the Realm of Dead, and both of our body and soul is not enough strong to bear that much power. With our current strength, we can hold the transformation for a minute, any more than that, and we will turn into nothingness" Death warned.

"One minute is more than enough." Leon was confident.

"Avatar transformation is the ability of gods, even though we can transform but there will be a weak period after transformation ends, you even fainted last time." Death kept shattering his idiotic dreams.

He remembered, after the transformation, he was unconscious for entire three days. It was some serious drawback, and he will be, at the disadvantage in many scenarios.

"What should we do about the trial?" Death returned to the main topic.

"I was hoping to transform and defeat all clones at once." He said.

"That's not a great idea, we don't know the extent of Mad God power, even gods perished in this place." Death replied.

Leon also agreed, after he transforms, he must defeat all his clones and pass the trial within a minute. If he fails, he dies. Even if he somehow defeats all clones, he would be unconscious to see the result.

"If my guess is correct, to others, defeating ten clones is impossible, but for you, it's very possible. No matter how strong Mad God is, he can not use Death Qi let alone clones created using his powers. Only 'Death God' can manipulate Death Qi." Death said with confidence.

After chatting for a while, they decided to take the trial.

Leon summoned Dracul.

"Are you prepared?" Dracul asked.

Leon nodded.

"Once the trial starts, it can't be stopped unless one side perishes," Dracul stated.

Each floor of the tower was divided into inner and outer sections, Leon was standing at the outer section.

"Trial must take place in the inner section, I am not allowed to go there, I can only open the door for you."

Suddenly, the door of inner section opened, Leon, standing at the front of the door, took a long breath and went inside.

Inner section was empty, he looked around and found a large circle in the middle. He started walking and went closer to the section and stepped inside of the circle.

Just as he stepped into the circle, suddenly, ten patches of white fog appeared out of nowhere and started materializing, finally, transforming into ten Leon.

Leon looked at these clones, even though they looked like him, but their faces lacked emotions and their eyes were completely devoid of life.

Suddenly, two clones moved and started attacking him from two opposite sides, they did not use any weapon and only used martial arts.

He blocked the attack from the front.


An attack from behind landed on his shoulder.


A large wound appeared on his shoulder and blood started gushing out.

"Damn! That hurts…. These guys are fucking strong." He screamed.

He immediately used Death Force, his wound started to healing at the extremely fast rate.

"Use Death Force to attack them." Death said.

Another wave of attack came soon after.

Leon made a fist with Death Qi surrounded on it, and attacked the chest of the clone in front, while he blocked the fist of another clone with the palm of another hand. He then used his right hand and grabbed the head of the clone and used Death Force to pull out Life Qi.


A big hole appeared on the chest of the first clone and, it sent flying, finally, landed on the wall. The hole started expanding, clone fell on the ground and dissipated.

Other clone started to rot and dissipated soon too.

"Ha Ha, It works." Leon laughed and said.

"Their body is made of Life Qi, as soon as they come to contact with Death Qi, they disintegrate." Death said.

Suddenly, another three started to attack, this time Leon was prepared and used his kick to attacked clone on the front. The kick landed on the head and clone dissipated.

"TAKE MY PALM!" he shouted.

Immediately both of his palms landed on the chest of two clones, their body started rotting and disintegrated.

"Only five are left." Leon said.