Sons Of Death God

Mad God mind was thrown into chaos, he felt huge pressure, even primordial gods could not give him such pressure.

He knew, that the shadow standing in front of him belonged to some supreme entity, far stronger than primordial gods. An entity, that is stronger than primordial gods can only be an ancient god.

This can't be, ancient Gods disappeared a long time ago." He muttered in trembling voice.

Shadow gazed at him, Mad God felt as if he lost all of his power, he wanted to speak but he couldn't, no words came out from his mouth.

"How did you find the treasure of darkness?" Shadow asked in archaic voice.

Mad God trembled, he felt as if all of his secrets were exposed. His ultimate secret, which he never shared with anyone, was seen through by the Shadow.


In the past, he heard about the treasure, that could make him break through to primordial god realm, the treasure was located on the land of darkness. It was the land where light did not exist and creatures of darkness roamed.

He risked his life and found the treasure, other gods also found out and chased him down. The treasure he had found was the scroll, he thought it contained some ancient technique, but to his disappointment, he found out that scroll was empty, there was not a single word written on it.

The scroll itself was a treasure, which emitted power of darkness and could be used to attack the enemy. But if that was it, then it couldn't be called ultimate treasure.

He believed it contained other secrets, so he refused to give it to other gods, finally, after being chased down to the dead end, he tore the scroll into six pieces and hid it here.


He knew, that he couldn't hide anything from this supreme entity.

"Lord! I found this treasure inside the tomb on the land of darkness." Mad God replied.

As soon the word came out, Shadow eyes narrowed and dark fog started to thicken, and the whole place started to vibrate and if would crumble in any moment.

"Do you know who that tomb belonged to?" Shadow asked with anger.

"Who?" Mad God was afraid, asked.

He had a feeling, that his treasure and the shadow in front of him had some relation.

"It belonged to the Shadow God! My Firstborn." Shadow said.

Mad God mind went blank, it was too much information to take in, he never in his wildest dreams thought that he had the treasure of Shadow God.

Shadow God was a legendary figure, he was said to be the strongest among the primordial gods, no other primordial gods could confront against his power of darkness, fire, and lightning.

But one day he disappeared, never to be seen again.

Mad God could never imagine that Shadow God had died, and he accidentally stumbled upon his grave and found the treasure belonged to Shadow God.

Although information was shocking but was not enough to frighten him. The most frightening part was, that the shadow front of him called Shadow God his Firstborn.

Shadow God was the son of the Ancient God of Death. Death God had unique ability to create new souls, he could make a new soul by fusing countless souls of the deceased.

Death God collected numerous souls of powerful gods and fused them together, then he fused small amount of his blood and soul essence in this newly formed soul, thus creating the soul of Shadow God.

This is why Shadow God was very strong, not only his soul was extremely powerful, he also had the ability to manipulate Death Qi.

Suddenly, Mad God came to his senses, he fell onto his knees.

"Ancient One, please forgive me, I did not know that tomb belonged to your son," he asked for forgiveness.

He knew he was finished, if Death God vented his anger, entire tower will be destroyed and possibly all of his souls too, even Shadow God's treasure couldn't protect him.

His connection with other souls had shivered when the main soul was dissipated, the only reason his soul existed because of Shadow God's treasure. Their deaths would be unjust if they died without even knowing the reason.

"Even though you made a mistake, but you made it twice." Death God coldly said.

Mad God was afraid and confused, when did he make another mistake?

"Not only you robbed the tomb of my Firstborn, you almost killed my Secondborn, Thus I must destroy your existence." Death God passed his judgment.

Initially, Shadow and Death were Dark Souls, Death God created them and let them fuse with living person, if the person dies before completely fusing with Dark Souls, these Souls would find another person, until they finally find a person who can fuse with them completely, thus becoming a son of Death God.

After complete fusion, a person's soul would become pitch black, and two entities will finally become one, there will be no individual personalities after that.

Although Death previously had few masters, none of them managed to fuse their soul with him completely.

For unknown reasons, Leon, at his dying moments managed to connect to the unknown realm and summoned the will of Death God, this caused his dying soul to fuse with Death at its entirety, and changing his soul color to completely black.

So from this day forth, Death is Leon and Leon is death, and he is also the second son of Death God.