Strange Dark Place

"What is this place?"

"I was in that unknown realm just a moment ago. How did I end up here?" Leon asked.

Just before his death, Leon's soul made a connection with that unknown realm. After being summoned he came to the place where he got Death Scripture. He saw steel again, but suddenly, black fog from steel invaded his body and his mind went blank.

After he woke up he found himself in this place, it was totally dark, even with his new abilities, he couldn't see anything, he ran in different directions to find the exit, but no matter where he went it all felt the same.

"Damn! I will go insane if I have to stay here any longer."


"I must keep my mind calm, lately I feel as if my emotions go out of control." Leon took a long breath and said.

He sat down and started thinking about some random things.

I wish, I was born into a good family, had a proud father and loving mother, and one or two siblings. I had enough money to go around and eat some tasty foods, and probably a lover too. What a wonderful life it would be?


"Having family is a really good thing, I don't know if I would ever have a family?" He sighed.

"I don't know who my parents are, where they are and if they are even in this world?"

"If I find them one day, I would ask them why did they abandon me?" Leon emotions started surging and said.

"And if they don't give the satisfactory reason, Then?" voice echoed.

"Then what? I would simply leave, I don't believe in this blood relation attachment thing, when I was young, weak and needed someone to care, there was no one, and I still managed to stay alive, now I can protect myself, so I can choose who my family should be." Leon replied with the hint of anger.

"WHO?" Leon suddenly came to a realization and asked.

A figure came to his sight, he was shocked and excited, the figure looked like him and emitting thick Death Qi.

"Death! it's you?" Leon asked.

"I am you!" Figure said.

Leon got confused, is this person death isn't he?

"You aren't death?" Leon asked again.

"You are death." Figure replied.

I am death?

"I am me, you are death." Leon said.

"You are me, I am you." Figure replied.

"You are death, I am Leon." Leon shouted.

Leon started going crazy, this guy in front of him did not make any sense.

"You are death, I am Leon." Figure said.

Leon started pulling out his hair, is this guy playing 'you and me' here?

"Wait for a moment! Let's make things clear and don't confuse each other." Leon proposed.

"I and Leon. And you are?" Leon said slowly.

"I am Leon." Figure replied.

"NOOOOO! If you are Leon then who am I?" Leon finally went completely crazy and screamed.

"You are you, you are death." Figure and replied.

Leon finally could not take anymore and punched to figure in front of him, making figure disappear.

Leon shocked, he thought the person in front of me was real death, suddenly, the figure appeared in front of him again, this caused Leon to have a fright.

Finally, he composed himself and asked the figure carefully this time.

"What do you want?"

"What I want is what you want." Figure replied.

I don't know who or what this figure is, but I will go mad if I talk to him anymore.

Leon finally gave and sat down while keeping vigilant.

"I don't know how long I have been here? But I don't want to be trapped here forever." Leon thought to himself.

"To leave this place, you must find yourself." Figure interrupted Leon thoughts and replied.

"How did you know what I was thinking?" Leon got specious as asked.

This figure looked like death and also can read his mind just like death used to.

This person is definitely death. And what about finding myself?

I am here, how can I lose myself?

"This person is probably the key to leave this place." Leon muttered.

Finally, he calmed down and started to think about what figure said.

To must leave this place I must find myself? What does this mean?

Suddenly, his brain clicked, when I asked this figure, who is he? He said that he is me.

"He is death, but he is also me."

And figure also said that I am death. Which means,

"I am me and I am also death."

"Ha Ha! Ha Ha!, I got it." Leon started laughing and said.

He went close to figure and said to him.

"You are me and I am you."

The figure started smiling and came closer, finally, merging with him into one.

A bright light appeared in the darkness, it became brighter and brighter until the whole place turned into white.

Leon couldn't keep open his eyes and closed it, and when he opened his eyes, he was in the hall lying on the floor, he looked confused and stood up. He looked at this place and suddenly remembered about it.

"I am back?

Where is Mad God?

How am I still alive?

My heart was pierced?

He suddenly saw his chest and there was no wound on it, in fact, there was not a single mark anywhere in his body. He suddenly realized something, all his clothes were gone.