

Leon was shocked, and the expression on his face was priceless.

'Is this supposed to be a joke? I thought it would see some scary looking creature, but, A cat?'

When cat showed itself, it had a proud expression as if demanding respect, but after it looked at the funny expression on Leon's face, it immediately got enraged.

"What are you looking at?"

When Leon looked at the angry cat, he had a powerful urge to laugh, but he somehow held it, this made his face even weirder to look.

However, a cat who was already angry at this point, when saw Leon's expression, got even angrier.


When cat screamed those words, it had lifted one of its front paws and pointed at Leon, this looked extremely funny.

Finally, Leon couldn't hold anymore and let out an uncontrollable wild laugh.

"Bahahahaha hahaha!"

"DAMN HUMAN! I WILL KILL YOU." Cat screamed and threw itself to the man.

This gave Leon a fright, and he lifted his hands and caught the cat.


'This cat doesn't seem very strong, was I overthinking?'

Cat saw itself being caught, it got even more furious and started scratching Leon's hand, body and face.

"Ma maw maw, maw maw meow, mew mow mow meow!"

Its paws were as fast as lighting, and Leon got scratched all over the place, some places even started bleeding.

At this time, Leon had also gotten angry, and he started to punch the cat's face.

A man, a cat fought each other with all their might, finally, none of them emerged victoriously.

Leon had scratches all over the body, and he was bleeding in many places, he looked very distressed, but he had not received any serious wounds.

On the other hand, the cat also had some of its hair pulled out and even had a black eye, it too looked pitiful, but similarly had not received any serious wound.

Leon and cat looked at each other, and no one talked for some time, finally, Leon decided to open the conversation.


"There is no point fighting each other, let's talk each other like civilized per…Ahem! Civilized creatures." Leon changed some words and said.

"Let me introduce my self, I am Leon, and you are?" Leon introduced himself.

Cat kept staring at him, finally, opened a mouth.

"Grrr! Why should I tell you?"

"Sigh! I already said this was an accident, I didn't know this place had an owner." Leon pretended to sigh and said.

Finally, cat regained composure, it also didn't want to fight anymore, besides, other side had already shown the white flag, so it was time to call the truce.

"You can call me Thunder." Thunder replied.

'Thunder? What a weird name? Little fluffy or little kitty would be a lot better.' Of course, he didn't call it loud.

"Hum! So its 'Thunder', indeed a great name, and you are very fast, this name absolutely suits you." Leon pretended to agree and said.

Thunder immediately got happy, he lived in this forest for some time, and he was the only magical beast here, so he felt lonely because other beasts didn't dare to talk to him.

He had tried to make friends with some of them, but for some reason, they always ran away. Leon flattery got him excited, he had a good impression of this young man now.

"Where did you come from?"

"How did you come here?"

"Why are you naked?"


Thunder bombarded him with one question after another.

Leon immediately had a headache, although, he could answer all of them, it would take a long time so he decided to answer some basic questions.


"I came from a human kingdom called the Tristone Kingdom, and I don't know where I am right now." He answered the asked the question in return.

Thunder ignored his question and bombarded with questions again.

"What…. Where… Which… How… When..." Thunder kept asking while making signs with his paws.

Leon was about to go crazy, he couldn't take this cat's questions anymore so he decided to shift the topic.

"Ahem! So this is where you live?" Leon asked.

"Hum! This is my domain, I call wind and rain here, no other beasts dare to defy me, otherwise, hehe!" Thunder replied, proudly.

"Why I don't see any other beasts here?" Leon asked again.

Thunder face went dark, he started cursing other beasts, although it was not loud, one could sense the resentment from his words.

Leon caught the glimpse loneliness from the thunder, he was an orphan, and he too lived most of his childhood in loneliness, he could tell whether someone was sad or lonely.

"Where are your parents?" Leon decided to shift the topic and asked.

Suddenly, cursing of thunder stopped, and he went silent. Leon understood that thunder was also probably orphan, just like him.

Man and cat went silent, no one spoke, slowly darkness replaced by light, dawn had arrived. Entire forest came to life and turned into a living heaven again.

This made both of them cheer up, finally, Leon looked at thunder and asked.

"Do you know how to leave the forest?"

It was the time to leave this place, he had some unfinished business left, he wanted to become strong, take revenge from the third elder, and make name for himself, he also had to find portals of Mad God tower.

Thunder looked at the west side of the forest, there was yearning in his eyes, one could sense that he wanted to leave too.

Leon saw this expression and asked him a simple but profound question.

"Do you want to see the outside world?"