Provoking Lord Kesler

Leon looked at Kesler, trying to figure out his next course of action. Kesler prowess was unknown to him. if he goes according to his previous plan, he might not succeed if Kesler was a bit more powerful then expected, not to mention the presence of several guards.

'I should test him first.'

Kesler seemed a bit rough for a refined person, but he was still an esteemed noble of the royal family. These nobles were far more concerned about their appearances, so there was a chance that he might not make a move on him in fear of getting blood and dirt on his clothes, and let the guards do all the hard work.

However, that would increase the element of uncertainty in his plans. He needed to know the power of Kesler, so Leon decided to provoke him.

"My Lord!" Leon stared at Kesler and smiled. "We have not been formally introduced."

Kesler who was having those small moments of joy shifted his gaze at Leon, and his mild expression replaced with vexation again. He wanted to kill this man, but he couldn't — at least not before getting what he wanted.

"Really?" Kesler was skeptical of this man's words. "You don't know who I am?"

"You see," Leon wore the mask of innocence and explained. "My Lord! I am new here and don't know much about anything."

"Yet," Kesler replied with half believing tone. "You decided to steal from me, Kesler, second-in-command of mighty Tristone Kingdom."

He wasn't truly second-in-command and even his brother king himself couldn't claim that. Though they might look like they were in command, true power still kept to those of previous generations.

"Apologies! My Lord," Leon wore a grim expression. "I didn't know that item belonged to you. I can tell you where the item is hidden tough."

"Speak!" Kesler narrowed his eyes. "And don't lie to me. Otherwise, you wouldn't be in one piece to regret it."

Leon had an innocent smile on his face. No one right now looking at his face could tell his genuine intentions.

"Of course!" Leon looked at guards with wary eyes. "But Lord… I can't speak.. out loud."

At this moment, Kesler almost believed that Leon was speaking the truth. He looked at two gourds who had kept Leon on the ground and hinted them to make a little distance.

Those two didn't question their lord's intent and backed away few feet while still pointing spear at his neck.

Kesler came a bit closer and hinted Leon to speak, but he was still about two feet away from him.

"But My Lord.." He looked at guards then looked at Kesler. "It's still.."

"Why is that you can't speak out loud?" Kesler had dissatisfaction on his face. "These are my personal guards."

"My Lord!" Leon expression turned serious. "That place has some secrets, and I can't publicize it."

Kesler was annoyed, he really didn't believe Leon's words. What secret place in the capital city this newcomer knew that he, Lord Kesler himself didn't know?

The cell was small, just eight by eight, and guards already backed off as far as they could without leaving the cell. Leon knew this Kesler only had two choices, either send those guards away or come little closer.

Leon prepared himself for both scenarios. If Kesler asked guards to leave, then he would have to use some strength as he was chained right now, and to get closer to him, he must break those chains. The second scenario was a little better. If Kesler decided to come closer, then hurting him was easier without showing his strength.

The goal was to provoke him and not to frighten him. If he used some of his powers, then Kesler might not retaliate himself and ask his guard to deal with him. So Leon was hoping for the second scenario.

Kesler truly didn't disappoint him. Instead of telling guards to leave, he came closer to Leon and stood in front of him.

Leon also slowly stood up, without alerting guards. He looked at Kesler and whispered some words.

"What?" Kesler frowned, as he couldn't hear Leon's words. "Speak bit loudly! I can't hear you."

"Lord!" Leon replied respectfully. "I am saying is that ….. psst..."

"What are you whispering?" Kesler was irritated. This person was angering him. "Speak properly or I will cut your tongue."

"Forgive me. My Lord!" Leon looked at Kesler and went a little closer. "What I want to say is.. Go Fuck Yourself!"

Kesler was surprised. He didn't expect those words to come from this man's mouth. Before he could make any sense of this, Leon leaped forward and head-butted him with a strong force.

He wasn't expecting this, and he backed off few steps then fell down hard on his butt. This scene looked comical, and Leon started laughing wildly. When Kesler heard that loud laugh, his eyes started burning. His solemn Lord Kesler being humiliated by this ant, he couldn't accept it.

At this time, several guards had already arrived at front of Leon and were about to beat him. A loud voice echoed.

"Stop!" Kesler stood up and said furiously. "I will deal with this vermin myself."

Leon had a wide smile on his face. He was hoping for the better, but this was the best scenario he could get. Now was the time to test the waters.

All the guards slowly backed off. The chains holding Leon's hand and feet were intact so they didn't fear any mishap to happen, as long as Lord Kesler didn't do anything foolish.

"You!" Kesler looked at him, with a furious gaze, walking towards him. "You dared to trick me? I will make sure you regret it."

He came in front of Leon and punched him on the face. It made him bleed, and he spat some blood on the ground.

"Is that all you got?" Leon laughed and mocked him. "You punch like a little girl."

Leon controlled his death force and forcefully stopped himself from healing. He wanted to see if this man could hurt him seriously or not.

"You!" Kesler was burning furiously, and he wanted to kill Leon, but couldn't, at least for now. He was inwardly surprised. Though last punch was just a fraction of his power, it was still not the force that an average person could take.

"So tough huh!" He looked at Leon, then smiled. "Let's see if you can handle my next punch."