Bai Wu’s Struggle to Fit In

Bai Wu lounged around the corridor as he observed his classmates playing basketball. He used to be a part of them but he was no longer welcomed.

"Mister Xu, here's what I think. Bai Wu seemed perfectly functional and there's no reason for him to stay here. His remarkable learning abilities are causing pressure on the students here. It's putting everyone on edge over the past few days."

Xu Lan sat across the teacher formally causing the teacher to feel pressured.

"Teacher, do you think we can put this off for a day or two? I'll talk to him. Moreover, he's much older and I'm worried that he'll be embarrassed if he had to study with young children," Xu Lan said as he rubbed his hands.

"However, his presence here makes the rest of the students feel inferior." The teacher looked at Xu Lan uncomfortably - the school would be in trouble if this went on.

"Uh… Are you telling me to bring him home now?"