Actually, You Can Be A Bit More Mean (2)

Xi Xiaye brought Mu Yuchen over to a hotpot shop near the New Era Plaza.

There was quite a crowd inside the shop. The couple sat in a corner. Looking outside the window beside them, they could see the big public square under the New Era Plaza.

She had quite an appetite that day. Most of the food they ordered went into her stomach while Mu Yuchen did not really eat much. Instead, he kept adding the ingredients into the pot for her.

Xi Xiaye picked up a slice of lotus root and put it into her bowl. She suddenly looked at the man opposite her who lowered his head while drinking some tea. He had hardly touched his chopsticks. "Do you not like it? I didn't really see you eat anything."

She scooped up a bunch of food and put them into his bowl.

"You eat yours. I want to see how much of a fight you can put up," Mu Yuchen stopped her hand and replied, glancing at the empty plate.