Xiaye Went Crazy (1)

Because they just had a meal at the Shen Residence, Mu Yuchen and Xi Xiaye did not really eat much. They just ate a little and drank half a bowl of soup.

Things were getting lively after dinner as fireworks shot up into the sky everywhere. A tiny spark shot up high into the night sky, and boom! It lit up the town beautifully.

Stars blanketed the night sky and the cold wind seemed a little lonely, but that was not enough to stop the people from having fun...

Mu Yuchen came out of the bathroom with a black sleeping robe around him. He did not see the woman anywhere in the bedroom. After thinking for a while, he exited the bedroom after tying his sash.

It was quiet in both the living room and the study room. She was probably downstairs mingling with the others or just watching television.

He sat down on the sofa slowly. As he turned the television on, he saw a pack of cigarettes on the side table, so he casually took one out and lit it up.