Father and Son Conversation

Mu Yuchen's calm, handsome face flashed with a rare uneasiness. He thought about it, then replied, "She lost at chess, and I..."

He did not need to finish the rest of his sentence. The father and son exchanged a look, the kind of look that only men would understand.

Mu Tangchuan then chuckled before sighing, "You're not that young anymore either. You're going to be 31 soon. Before this, we've been waiting for you to get married. Now, we're looking forward to you being a father. Chen Er, push away all those worldly possessions. There's isn't much a man can hold onto. Your grandparents and parents can't be with you until you're old. Even your children will leave you to lead their own lives in the future. The only person who can stay with you is the woman in your arms. So, you have to treat your wife, Xiaye, well."