New Year Gathering (3)

When Xi Xinyi said this, quite a few girls could not help but look envious.

"Xinyi, you're so lucky! CEO Han is so sweet to you!"

"Exactly! Not only is she outstandingly beautiful and is the Mayor's daughter, but she's also a celebrity loved by so many... Xinyi, we really admire you!"

"Thank you, guys. You'll find your own happiness too."

As she listened to the crowd's envious admirations, Xi Xinyi's sweet and charming face revealed a faint smile too. Her eyes were filled with sincerity and well wishes while she vaguely stole a glance at Xi Xiaye.

Such a heartfelt wish instantly made everyone beam and all of them thanked her.

"Pretentious!" Su Nan scoffed as she subconsciously shot Ruan Heng a look beside her. He indicated his innocence and shrugged.