Going To Work Together (1)

The night did not seem as indefinitely long as before. It was changing quietly and became shorter than before.

Dawn came. People woke up as the gentle sunlight shone upon them and they started their day full of energy, facing new challenges and working hard.

Xi Xiaye opened her eyes and things still seemed blurry for her. Rubbing her eyes with one hand, the other touched the empty side of the bed to find that the man was not there anymore, but some of his warmth remained.

As she grabbed her phone on the bedside drawer, she switched it on and took a look at the time. When she realized it was already half past eight, she jolted with shock!

Oh no!

She needed to go to work today!

She remembered that she had set the alarm clock at eight last night. How did she oversleep?

She left the bed as quickly as possible and put on an outfit. Then, she speedily went into the bathroom…