Yueying Stakeholders Meeting (3)

Yueying Culture Media Company fell into an anxious state.

After the press conference yesterday, the crowd of annoying reporters vanished, but because of the stakeholders' meeting that very day, there was no time to rest at all.

At the moment, inside the CEO office of Yueying.

Deng Wenwen was sifting through the documents for the meeting prepared by her secretary while Yue Lingsi and Xi Xinyi were sitting on the sofa, drinking coffee.

Yue Lingsi looked at the tablet in her hand. There were still all sorts of comments on Weibo, so she reminded Xi Xinyi worriedly, "Xinyi, lay low for a while. Try not to garner too much attention to yourself. We're not totally safe from the news yet. Be careful. Xiaye really got us this time."

Xi Xinyi stopped her movements to turn over to Yue Lingsi and nod. "I got it. I'll be careful."