Heavy Bomb! (3)

"No! That's not it, Yifeng! Listen to me! Please listen to me!"

"Listen to you? What else do you have to say about this? If I'm not wrong, the exposure of Xiaye's expulsion was done by you, wasn't it? Only you and know it the best. What more do you have to say for yourself?"

Han Yifeng grabbed the papers and flung them towards Xi Xinyi angrily. His eyes were burning with rage as he stared at her coldly. "So, you've been treating me like a toy and playing with me ever since? Using my trust and lying to me?"

The papers hit Xi Xinyi like a heavy hammer, thudding a heavy impact on her heart. She shed endless tears and felt remorseful as she held onto Han Yifeng. "I'm sorry, Yifeng! I really am... I'll change. I'll change all of my bad habits! I'm too in love with you. If I don't fight for you, are you asking me to suffer in pain to death?"