Uncrossable Realm (1)

Xi Mushan put his empty glass down when Xi Xiaye asked him the question. He looked at Xi Xiaye and nodded. "Kind of. It's similar to the Xi family and the Han family. They are both big families in City Z."

Xi Xiate poured more wine for Xi Mushan while he went on. 

When she was reminded about what Shen Yue had told her, Xi Xiaye thought that Xi Mushan might know a bit more, so she asked straightforwardly, "I heard that Qikai had some **** background before, and they cleansed their name afterward. Is the current Qikai the product after their cleansing?"

Xi Mushan's face was strained for a moment when he heard Xi Xiaye's question. He drank from the glass again before replying, "That's true, but it's been decades. Back then, **** was popular, but afterward, the government became strict with the law. Consequently, companies like Qikai were found out, but of course, the government could not get rid of all of them, so Qikai survived."