Incited Conflict (2)

The warm sun was high up in the sky as its gentle rays shrouded the quiet Maple Residence in its holy glory. The cold ground was covered with long shadows.

At noon, Mu Yuchen made lunch after he washed up. Xi Xiaye had requested for sliced chicken porridge for lunch. As he was cooking the porridge slowly, he took some time to clean up the forbidden places: the bedroom and the study room.

Inside the bedroom, Mu Yuchen dragged open the thick curtains and pushed the glass windows open. Glittering sunlight streamed into the room as a strong wind breezed through. Then, there were some movements from under the blanket on the huge, comfortable bed.

Xi Xiaye sat up with her messy hair, rubbing her eyes and looking over to where the noises came from. She saw Mr. Mu watering the plants. "What time is it now? Why are you up so early?" Her voice sounded a little hoarse.