Change of Strategy (1)

In the afternoon, the rain continued. The happy tune from the rain droplets dancing reached their ears. On the sofa beside the large window, Xi Xiaye used Mu Yuchen's lap as her pillow as she watched the hazy world outside.

Mu Yuchen was on a call with Vice President Zhang Lan.

"Please take care of the South River project. Director Xi is taking leave for several days. She'll send you a list of things to take note of and the work to be completed later on. Remember to submit the proposal tomorrow. Call me directly if there are any issues."

"Noted, Chairman Mu. I've been following up on this project as well. I'll take care of it. Have fun with Director Xi." Zhang Lan laughed.

"Mmm." Mu Yuchen gave a brief reply before hanging up.

"Isn't this a little too much? I should be handling the project... It feels like I'm lazy at work." Xi Xiaye turned her head around and looked at him.