How Can Love Be Explained? (1)

When Xi Mushan brought the bonsai to Xi Jiyang's room, Xi Jiyang was about to sit down on the sofa with the help of a maid.

He was put on IV drips almost every day for the past few days and seemed out of energy and quite weak. He did not even have the strength to get up by himself.

Xi Mushan had already gotten on the phone with Doctor Li earlier to understand the situation. Xi Jiyang was in a bad way, or maybe it was also because of his bad mood that the effect of his recovery was minimal.

Xi Jiyang did not like hospitals and would not go to the hospital unless it was his last resort. Xi Mushan knew why this was the case. He heard that his mother had passed away during a difficult birth at the hospital, so Xi Jiyang resented the hospital a lot.

"Are you feeling better today?" Xi Mushan put the bonsai onto Xi Jiyang's bedside cabinet so that he would be able to see it whenever he looked up.